php - pass a post value from view to controller to model, and back to controller in code igniter -

i'm creating login form codeigniter, , have controller collects inputs form, want check make sure user entered in database, i'm collecting values in post , want send them model database connection. if results in database want send controller yes or no , can go there. i'm kind of stuck, have far:

the controller:

function do_login() {     $login = $this->input->post('login');     $pwd = md5($this->input->post('passwd'));   } 

the model:

function check_login() {      $sql = $this->db->query("select * members loin = '?' , password = '?'", array(//post stuff goes in here));     return $sql->result();  } 

i'm not sure how pass data model, , controller.

any great! thanks!

in mvc form post sending controller (in action property in form) , controller (as name decribed) controls happend, in case should ask database verification via model, response, decide do, , use view display results...

so in controller:

 function do_login() {  $login = $this->input->post('login');       $pwd = md5($this->input->post('passwd'));   $results = $this->...your_model_name...->chek_login( parameters login , password )  // base on results: has records or has not -  // maybe display view  }  


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