Modify SQL search to use pattern -

the code below works great, , need more :). 2008 access database. @ moment matches based on paramvalue, , needs exact match. how can change pattern instead?? example want contains text "fizz" , "bom".
--and please share link can learn blend of thank you! steve

dim table new datatable(tablename) table.locale = system.globalization.cultureinfo.invariantculture  using connection new odbcconnection(connectionstring)      dim query string = string.format("select * [{0}] [{1}] = ?", _                                         tablename, _                                         paramname)     dim selectcommand new odbccommand(query, connection)     selectcommand.parameters.add(new odbcparameter("@" & paramname, paramvalue))      dim adapter new odbcdataadapter(selectcommand)     adapter.fillschema(table, schematype.mapped)     adapter.fill(table) end using  return table 

reference link : here

dim selectqry = "select * [{0}] [{1}] '%" & _                     stryoursearchvalue & " %'" 


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