- Request.Form in Inline Data-Binding Code -

i've got asp:repeater on page holds < input type="radio" elements. appreciate asp:radiobuttonlist control used this, problem after radio buttons require textbox enabled using javascript when associated radio button in repeater clicked (while other textboxes in repeater disabled), hence decision use native html elements.

problem validation; if text box blank when posting want display warning , force user enter text, leaving radio button selected checked. request.form collection doesn't appear populated when accessing between <%# ... %> placeholders, , therefore unabled detect selected radio button write "checked" attribute to.

any suggestions on how read request.form collection in order check appropriate radio button input element?

edit - requested, below html markup used in repeater:

    <asp:repeater id="choicerepeater" runat="server">   <itemtemplate>     <input type="radio"            name="choice<%#            ((surveyanswer)container.dataitem).surveyquestion.surveyquestionid.tostring() %>"            id="answerradio"            value="<%# ((surveyanswer)container.dataitem).surveyanswerid %>"            onclick="enablebox(this);"  />     <asp:label id="answertext"              runat="server"              text="<%# ((surveyanswer)container.dataitem).answertext %>" />     <span   id="textarea"              runat="server"              visible="<%# (((surveyanswer)container.dataitem).enabletextfield)%>" >       <input type="text"               name="text<%# ((surveyanswer)container.dataitem).surveyanswerid %>"               id="text<%# ((surveyanswer)container.dataitem).surveyanswerid %>"               disabled="disabled" />     </span><br />   </itemtemplate> </asp:repeater> 

as mentioned, nothing returned when trying access request.form[..] collection within <%#...#> elements trying establish posted last time around.

thanks in advance,



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