SharePoint 2010 Custom WCF Service - Windows and FBA Authentication -

i have sharepoint 2010 configured claims based authentication both windows , forms based authentication (fba) external users. need develop custom wcf services. issue want windows credentials passed wcf service(s); however, cannot seem windows credentials passed services. custom wcf service appears using anonymous authentication (which has enabled in iis in order display fba login screen).

the example have tried follow found @

the wcf service gets deployed _vti_bin (isapi folder).

here code .svc file

<%@ servicehost language="c#" debug="true"  service=", $sharepoint.project.assemblyfullname$"  factory=", microsoft.sharepoint.client.serverruntime, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=71e9bce111e9429c" codebehind="libraryuploader.svc.cs" %> 

here code behind .svc file

[servicecontract] public interface ilibraryuploader {     [operationcontract]     string sitename();    }  [basichttpbindingservicemetadataexchangeendpoint] [aspnetcompatibilityrequirements(requirementsmode = aspnetcompatibilityrequirementsmode.required)] public class libraryuploader : ilibraryuploader {     //just try return site title right now…     public string sitename()     {         windowsidentity identity = servicesecuritycontext.current.windowsidentity;          claimsidentity claimsidentity = new claimsidentity(identity);          return spcontext.current.web.title;     }      } 

the wcf test client have test out (wpf app) uses following code call wcf service...

private void button1click(object sender, routedeventargs e)     {         basichttpbinding binding = new basichttpbinding(); = basichttpsecuritymode.transportcredentialonly; = httpclientcredentialtype.ntlm;          endpointaddress endpoint =             new endpointaddress(                 "");          libraryuploaderclient libraryuploader = new libraryuploaderclient(binding, endpoint); =   ;;     } 

i inexperienced iis security settings/configurations when comes claims , trying use both windows , fba. inexperienced when comes wcf configurations security. develop internal biz apps , let visual studio decide use because security concern.

i think figured out answer. key create web.config file , deploy in same folder .svc file. web.config file needs specify binding use "wshttpbinding" instead of "basichttpbinding". removed factory attribute in .svc declaration , basichttpbindingservicemetadataexchangeendpoint attribute on class.


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