ruby on rails - Cucumber + Webrat doesn't submit forms? -

i'm new cucumber , totally lost why integration test failing. have following scenarios:

scenario: user changes profile      given have account     when change profile     profile should saved  scenario: user changes login      given have account     when change login information     account should changed 

and these step definitions:

given /^i have account$/     @user = factory.create(:user)     visit login_path     fill_in "email", :with =>     fill_in "password", :with => 'secret'     click_button "sign in" end  when /^i change profile$/     visit edit_user_profile_path(@user)     fill_in "first name", :with => "john"     fill_in "last name", :with => "doe"     click_button "update profile" end  /^my profile should saved$/     @user.profile.first_name.should == "john"     @user.profile.last_name.should == "doe" end  when /^i change login information$/     visit edit_user_path(@user)     fill_in "email", :with => ""     click_button "update login information" end  /^my account should changed$/ == "" end 

and fail "then" condition on both scenarios message:

# scenario 1 expected: "john" got: "test1" (using ==) (rspec::expectations::expectationnotmeterror)  # scenario 1 expected: "" got: "" (using ==) (rspec::expectations::expectationnotmeterror) 

so, in both cases factory information still present after submitting form update user login or profile. however, if test in real browser works perfectly. so, why test failing???

thanks help!

@user variable lives inside cucumber code block. not changed. changed in test database record. check changed indeed have visit page user name displayed.
(just in real life test)


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