github - specifying git branch for remote -

i'm trying update webbynode pulling github got message below:

you asked pull remote '', did not specify branch. because not default configured remote current branch, must specify branch on command line.

so have checked out forum , found comments regarding .git/config file mine looks fine (at least me):

[core]         repositoryformatversion = 0         filemode = true         bare = false         logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"]         fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*         url = [branch "master"]         remote = origin         merge = refs/heads/master [branch "origin"]         remote = origin         merge = refs/heads/master 

am missing something? ideas how can solve it?

ps tried git pull origin , got

fatal: couldn't find remote ref

what local branch have checked out?

what git status shows?

you working on other branch local master branch. if want fetch new commits github , merge them local master branch, have to:

git checkout master git pull 

if want commits in branch, on working, need:

git pull origin master 

you close in try ps, last param should branch name, not repo url.

you can fetch new commits github, , not merge local branch, with:

git fetch origin 

then review changes git diff, git log, etc, , merge later checked out branch with:

git merge origin/master 


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