rest - Correct RESTful call for this resource -

i'm designing restful interface existing infrastructure , i'm struggling 1 particular aspect.

we have collection of users can accessed @ /users , elements of collection can accessed @ /users/1 etc

however each user has list of friends needs able accessed well. users/1/friends restful call make here? doesn't qualify collection of it's own since it's relates 1 user.

any appreciated

as far restful design concerned, uri can whatever want. however, ensure interface can accessed in restfully need this:

<user>     <name>bob smith</name>     <link rel="friends" href="/peeps/1/amigos" /> </user> 

by adding layer of indirection, client can discover link list of friends , no longer matters client uri is. can change whenever like.

uris implementation detail of server , clients should never couple on them. coupling should on rels , media types.


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