javascript jquery fade in fade out -

hey have fading tool-tips problem when roll on buttons in line has fade out complete before can fade in in makes sort of flashing code

showbox:function($, $tooltip, e){     $tooltip.fadein(this.fadeinspeed)     this.positiontooltip($, $tooltip, e) }, hidebox:function($, $tooltip){                   if (!this.isdocked){     $tooltip.fadeout(this.fadeoutspeed)     $tooltip.css({bordercolor:'black'}).find('.stickystatus:eq(0)').css({background:this.stickybordercolors[0]}).html(this.stickynotice1)     } }, 

is there way of fading out if starts fading in without having fading out im kinda javascript noob thanks

you want jquery.stop: $tooltip.stop(true);


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