How to configure .htaccess when a rails application is located inside of another rails' public folder? -

i have rails application running on shared host server , public_html mapped ~/rails_apps/app1/public. done launches app1. expected, .htaccess this

rewritecond %{request_filename} !-f rewriterule ^(.*)$ dispatch.fcgi [qsa,l] 

here comes new rails app2, , want access through

i created ~/rails_apps/app2, , created symlink public_html/app2 pointing there (the symlink ~/rails_apps/app1/public/app2).

this app2 needs dispatch.fcgi launch, app2/public/.htaccess has same rewriterules above.

the problem when access, first app1 receiving request , it's failing. i'm reading rule "file /app2/hello doesn't exist, send dispatch.fcgi processing".

so, tried setting additional rule in app1/public

rewritecond %{request_uri} ^/app2/.* rewriterule ^(.*)$ /app2/dispatch.fcgi [l] 

my app2 getting request, tries process /app2/hello fails since there no /app2 defined in routes. needs receive /hello.

i tried putting rewritebase /app2 before rules in above paragraph, didn't seem make difference. needed put rewritebase / before original app1 rewriterule, otherwise app1 breaks. (sincerely, don't know if more 1 rewritebase allowed)

any ideas how solve problem?

to adjust /app2 routes subdirectory try add

config.action_controller.relative_url_root = '/app2' 

to environmet.rb (production) ...

hope help


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