How do i access the url variable defined in the Zend Framework config.ini -

[dev] great.url="" [test : dev] great.url="" [prod : test] great.url="" 

i have own functions return config of environment used(dev,test,or prod) . problem $myclassinstance->getconfig()->great->url; (when returning url correctly in dev) in test returning notice "notice: trying property of non-object in file test.php on line no 19" error coming due empty of statement ($myclassinstance->getconfig()->great->url;).it returning correctly in dev . might problem.

it must defaulting dev. fix it, need this:

$config = new zend_config_ini('/path/to/config.ini', 'prod'); $myclassinstance->setconfig($config); 

or depending on how have things setup:

$myclassinstance->config = $config; 

then code should work:


documentation here:


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