php - what is the difference between a class and a library? -

i googled, , informed library made of multiple relevant classes. in codeigniter, found there virtually 1 class in every library. sorry limited knowledge this, appreciate if enlighten me little bit on this. thank much!

the difference semantic one.

a class implementation of specific piece of functionality (usually encapsulating functionality.

a library collection of units of functionality (or one) add functionality. notice tried stay away word class in definition. libraries can procedural, functional or oop. doesn't detract fact it's library. classes abstraction when dealing oop.

a framework library imparts architecture choices on how write code.

every framework therefore library. not every library framework. codeigniter can used framework or library. difference if let libraries direct architecture, you're using framework. if not use architecture bit, it's library.

it's pedantic difference, significant one. gross-over-simplification, if you're doing formal architecture , understand why layered out how application specifically, you're using library. if instead you're building way because that's how ci it, that's using framework. both have significant benfits, it's worth understanding difference.


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