What is Performance Counter and how to use them in ASP.NET application -

what performance counter , how use them in asp.net application.

please explain.

from msdn:

counters used provide information how operating system or application, service, or driver performing. counter data can determine system bottlenecks , fine-tune system , application performance. operating system, network, , devices provide counter data application can consume provide users graphical view of how system performing.

the .net framework has several classes allow use , create performance counters, main ones performancecounter, performancecountercategory , countercreationdata (for creating new counters).

from documentation on system.diagnostics namespace:

the performancecounter class enables monitor system performance, while performancecountercategory class provides way create new custom counters , categories. can write local custom counters , read both local , remote counters (system custom). can sample counters using performancecounter class, , calculate results successive performance counter samples using countersample class. countercreationdata class enables create multiple counters in category , specify types. other classes associated performance counter component provide access collections of counters, counter permission, , counter types.


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