c# - How do I capture video from a webcam? -

i need capture video webcam. there classes in c#/.net can me this. interested in real time data.

and there c#/.net books can study gain deep knowledge on language , platform?

this use. need first class iterate devices:

public class devicemanager {     [dllimport("avicap32.dll")]     protected static extern bool capgetdriverdescriptiona(short wdriverindex,         [marshalas(unmanagedtype.vbbyrefstr)]ref string lpszname,        int cbname, [marshalas(unmanagedtype.vbbyrefstr)] ref string lpszver, int cbver);      static arraylist devices = new arraylist();      public static tcamdevice[] getalldevices()     {         string dname = "".padright(100);         string dversion = "".padright(100);          (short = 0; < 10; i++)         {             if (capgetdriverdescriptiona(i, ref dname, 100, ref dversion, 100))             {                 tcamdevice d = new tcamdevice(i);                 d.name = dname.trim();                 d.version = dversion.trim();                  devices.add(d);             }         }          return (tcamdevice[])devices.toarray(typeof(tcamdevice));     }      public static tcamdevice getdevice(int deviceindex)     {         return (tcamdevice)devices[deviceindex];     } } 

and 1 control cam.

public class tcamdevice {      private const short wm_cap = 0x400;     private const int wm_cap_driver_connect = 0x40a;     private const int wm_cap_driver_disconnect = 0x40b;     private const int wm_cap_edit_copy = 0x41e;     private const int wm_cap_set_preview = 0x432;     private const int wm_cap_set_overlay = 0x433;     private const int wm_cap_set_previewrate = 0x434;     private const int wm_cap_set_scale = 0x435;     private const int ws_child = 0x40000000;     private const int ws_visible = 0x10000000;      [dllimport("avicap32.dll")]     protected static extern int capcreatecapturewindowa([marshalas(unmanagedtype.vbbyrefstr)] ref string lpszwindowname,         int dwstyle, int x, int y, int nwidth, int nheight, int hwndparent, int nid);      [dllimport("user32", entrypoint = "sendmessagea")]     protected static extern int sendmessage(int hwnd, int wmsg, int wparam, [marshalas(unmanagedtype.asany)] object lparam);      [dllimport("user32")]     protected static extern int setwindowpos(int hwnd, int hwndinsertafter, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int wflags);      [dllimport("user32")]     protected static extern bool destroywindow(int hwnd);      int index;     int devicehandle;      public tcamdevice(int index)     {         this.index = index;     }      private string _name;      public string name     {         { return _name; }         set { _name = value; }     }      private string _version;      public string version     {         { return _version; }         set { _version = value; }     }      public override string tostring()     {         return this.name;     }     /// <summary>     /// initialize device     /// </summary>     /// <param name="windowheight">height of window</param>     /// <param name="windowwidth">width of window</param>     /// <param name="handle">the control handle attach device</param>     public void init(int windowheight, int windowwidth, int handle)     {         string deviceindex = convert.tostring(this.index);         devicehandle = capcreatecapturewindowa(ref deviceindex, ws_visible | ws_child, 0, 0, windowwidth, windowheight, handle, 0);          if (sendmessage(devicehandle, wm_cap_driver_connect, this.index, 0) > 0)         {             sendmessage(devicehandle, wm_cap_set_scale, -1, 0);             sendmessage(devicehandle, wm_cap_set_previewrate, 0x42, 0);             sendmessage(devicehandle, wm_cap_set_preview, -1, 0);              setwindowpos(devicehandle, 1, 0, 0, windowwidth, windowheight, 6);         }     }      /// <summary>     /// shows webcam preview in control     /// </summary>     /// <param name="windowscontrol">control attach webcam preview</param>     public void showwindow(global::system.windows.forms.control windowscontrol)     {         init(windowscontrol.height, windowscontrol.width, windowscontrol.handle.toint32());                             }      /// <summary>     /// stop webcam , destroy handle     /// </summary>     public void stop()     {         sendmessage(devicehandle, wm_cap_driver_disconnect, this.index, 0);          destroywindow(devicehandle);     } } 

the showwindow takes picturebox parameter.


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