c# - Compare two objects and find the differences -
this question has answer here:
what best way compare 2 objects , find differences?
customer = new customer(); customer b = new customer();
one flexible solution: use reflection enumerate through of properties , determine , not equal, return list of properties , both differing values.
here's example of code start asking. looks @ field values right now, add number of other components check through reflection. it's implemented using extension method of objects use it.
to use
somecustomclass = new somecustomclass(); somecustomclass b = new somecustomclass(); a.x = 100; list<variance> rt = a.detailedcompare(b);
my sample class compare against
class somecustomclass { public int x = 12; public int y = 13; }
and meat , potatoes
static class extentions { public static list<variance> detailedcompare<t>(this t val1, t val2) { list<variance> variances = new list<variance>(); fieldinfo[] fi = val1.gettype().getfields(); foreach (fieldinfo f in fi) { variance v = new variance(); v.prop = f.name; v.vala = f.getvalue(val1); v.valb = f.getvalue(val2); if (!v.vala.equals(v.valb)) variances.add(v); } return variances; } } class variance { public string prop { get; set; } public object vala { get; set; } public object valb { get; set; } }
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