PYTHON:Tkinter.OptionMenu Question : option menu does not execute the command function to user selection -
i trying create python program below. reads file bus time table , in tkinter, displays departure list , arrival bus stops corresponding time.
here using following code update time each departure or arrival stops. when select stops not call functions. not understand why.
tkinter.optionmenu(self.root,self.departure,*self.busstops,command=self.update_departure()).pack() tkinter.optionmenu(self.root,self.arrival,*self.busstops,command=self.update_arrival()).pac
can throw light on it?
the same works if not use class structure.
i running on windows xp 2002 service pack 2 python 2.6 version import tkinter import time
class app(): def __init__(self): self.root = self.debug_enable = 1 self.timetable_file_name = "200_timetable.txt" self.busstops = list() self.arrivaltime = list() self.update_timetable() self.departure = tkinter.stringvar() self.arrival = tkinter.stringvar() self.starttime = tkinter.stringvar() self.endtime = tkinter.stringvar() self.label = tkinter.label(text="") self.label.pack() self.update_clock() self.departure.set(self.busstops[0]) self.arrival.set(self.busstops[-1]) self.starttime.set("hi") self.endtime.set("ih") self.optmenudep= tkinter.optionmenu(self.root,self.departure,*self.busstops,command=self.update_departure()).pack() self.optmenuarr= tkinter.optionmenu(self.root,self.arrival,*self.busstops,command=self.update_arrival()).pack() self.optmenudeptime = tkinter.optionmenu(self.root,self.starttime,"").pack() self.optmenuarrtime = tkinter.optionmenu(self.root,self.endtime,"").pack() self.root.mainloop() def debug(self,message): if self.debug_enable: print "debug message : ", message def update_clock(self): = time.strftime("%h:%m:%s") self.label.configure(text=now) self.root.after(200, self.update_clock) def update_timetable(self): self.file_desc = open(self.timetable_file_name) line in self.file_desc.readlines(): self.busstops.append(line.split('\t')[0]) self.arrivaltime.append(line.split('\t')[2:-1]) self.file_desc.close() def update_departure(self): self.debug("entering update departure") stop_name = self.departure.get() count = 0 stop in self.busstops: if (stop == stop_name): break else: count += 1 self.starttime.set(self.arrivaltime[count]) count = 0 def update_arrival(self): self.debug("entering update arrival") stop_name = self.arrival.get() count = 0 stop in self.busstops: if (stop == stop_name): break else: count += 1 self.endtime.set(self.arrivaltime[count]) count = 0 # main program starts here app=app()
""""""""""""""""""""""""" data format below file 200_timetable.txt
nice - station j.c. bermond 07:30 07:45 08:00 08:10 08:15 08:30
nice - j. médecin / hôtel des postes 07:32 07:47 08:02 08:12 08:17 08:32
nice - grimaldi 07:33 07:48 08:03 08:13 08:18 08:33
nice - rivoli 07:34 07:49 08:04 08:14 08:19 08:34
when write command=self.update_departure()
saying "execute command self._update_departure, , use result of call name of command". since self._update_departure()
returns none
, it's same doing command=none
in other words, omit ()
-- need pass reference function.
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