plsql - Check if a column has a certain entry in a PL/SQL function -

i've table 2 columns. second column foreign key column. want check if there record foreign key x in column. i'm using (rather learning) pl/sql on oracle 11g.

edit: use sql select * how use in pl/sql return boolean in function?

function my_func () return boolean   l_contains_x number;   l_contains_x_bool boolean := false; begin   select 1   l_contains_x   dual   exists (     select 1     table     col = x   );    if l_contains_x = 1      l_contains_x_bool := true;   end if;    return l_contains_x_bool;  end; 

note key here keyword returns values variables. these positionally matched select 4 columns 4 variables (or * rowtype). expects 1 value why have moved check exists, outer select selects 1 value.

note sql has no concept of boolean type function usable in pl/sql context. if want true / false coming in sql context should use varchar2 'true' , 'false'.


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