c++ - Registering user-provided derived types with Boost Serialization -

i writing library handle storing , serializing user-defined types. user-defined types required serializable.

however library uses templates create containers of user types. don't know how export container types boost::serialization through templates. way can force user of library boost_class_export_guid() every container type.

i've tried unpacking macro looking @ boost/serialization/export.hpp, complex... there way export class part of template instantiation? or way write library serialize containers of user-defined types?

#include <iostream> #include <vector>  #include <boost/foreach.hpp> #include <boost/serialization/access.hpp> #include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp> #include <boost/serialization/base_object.hpp> #include <boost/serialization/export.hpp>  #include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp>  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // example code reside in library //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////  struct type_container_base { private:     virtual void make_abstract() const {}     friend class ::boost::serialization::access;     template <typename archive>     void serialize(archive &, const unsigned int) {}     };  boost_serialization_assume_abstract(type_container_base)  template <typename user_type> struct type_container : type_container_base {     void add(const user_type& d) { _vector.push_back(d); } private:     std::vector<user_type> _vector;     friend class ::boost::serialization::access;     template <typename archive>     void serialize(archive & ar, const unsigned int) {         ar & ::boost::serialization::base_object<type_container_base>(*this);         ar & _vector;     } };  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // example user code use library //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////  struct user_type {     user_type(int i) : _val(i) {} private:     int _val;     friend class ::boost::serialization::access;     template <typename archive>     void serialize(archive & ar, const unsigned int) {         ar & _val;     } };  // *** there better way forcing user every // *** user_type want use library? boost_class_export_guid(type_container<user_type>, "type_container<user_type>")  int main() {     std::vector<type_container_base*> containers;     type_container<user_type>* tc = new type_container<user_type>();     tc->add(user_type(7));     tc->add(user_type(42));     tc->add(user_type(1776));     containers.push_back(tc);     {         boost::archive::text_oarchive ar(std::cout);         const std::size_t size = containers.size();         ar << size;         boost_foreach(type_container_base* p, containers)             ar << p;     }     return 0; } 

maybe along lines:

#define boost_class_template_export_implement(t)             \     namespace boost {                                        \     namespace archive {                                      \     namespace detail {                                       \     namespace {                                              \     template<typename u>                                     \     struct init_guid< t<u> > {                               \         static guid_initializer< t<u> > const & g;           \     };                                                       \     template<typename u>                                     \     guid_initializer< t<u> > const & init_guid< t<u> >::g =  \         ::boost::serialization::singleton<                   \             guid_initializer< t<u> >                         \         >::get_mutable_instance().export_guid();             \     }}}}                                                     \ /**/  #define boost_class_template_export_key2(t, k) \ namespace boost {                              \ namespace serialization {                      \ template<typename u>                           \ struct guid_defined< t<u> > : boost::mpl::true_ {}; \ template<typename u>                           \ inline const char * guid< t<u> >(){            \     return k + "<" + guid<u>() + ">"; //this doesn't work, know! \ }                                              \ } /* serialization */                          \ } /* boost */                                  \ /**/  #define boost_class_template_export_key(t)                             \     boost_class_template_export_key2(t, boost_pp_stringize(t))                                                         \ /**/  #define boost_class_template_export_guid(t, k)                         \ boost_class_template_export_key2(t, k)                                 \ boost_class_template_export_implement(t)                               \ /**/ 

it might work additional tweaks it. of course, assume user_type exported already. still, reduce combinatorial dimension, need 1 export per class , 1 export per class template, not 1 export per template instantiation (number of classes x number of class templates).

this kind of thing should asked / requested / proposed guy in charge of boost.serialization library (i guess robert ramey).


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