- AJAX updatepanel giving error -

i trying use ajax updateprogress display loading image when zip file being created following error:

microsoft jscript runtime error: sys.webforms.pagerequestmanagerparsererrorexception: message received server not parsed. common causes error when response modified calls response.write(), response filters, httpmodules, or server trace enabled. detals: error parsing near 'pk'.

below code .aspx page

<html xmlns=""> <head runat="server">     <title></title>     <style type="text/css">         #progressbackgroundfilter         {             position: fixed;             top: 0px;             bottom: 0px;             left: 0px;             right: 0px;             overflow: hidden;             padding: 0;             margin: 0;             background-color: #000;             filter: alpha(opacity=50);             opacity: 0.5;             z-index: 1000;         }          #processmessage         {             position: fixed;             top: 30%;             left: 43%;             padding: 10px;             width: 14%;             z-index: 1001;             background-color: #fff;             border: solid 1px #000;         }     </style> </head> <body>     <form id="form1" runat="server">     <div>         <asp:scriptmanager id="scriptmanager1" runat="server">         </asp:scriptmanager>         <asp:updatepanel id="updatepanel1" runat="server">             <contenttemplate>                 <asp:checkbox id="chb_pass" runat="server" text="do want zip file have password?"                     autopostback="true" />                 <br />                 <asp:textbox id="txt_password" runat="server" maxlength="20" visible="false" style="margin-top: 6px"                     width="152px"></asp:textbox>                 <asp:requiredfieldvalidator id="requiredfieldvalidator1" runat="server" controltovalidate="txt_password"                     errormessage="* need password!"></asp:requiredfieldvalidator>                 <br />           <asp:button id="btndownloadphotos" runat="server" text="download album photos" height="27px"                     style="margin-top: 3px" width="284px" />               </contenttemplate>             <triggers>                 <asp:asyncpostbacktrigger controlid="btndownloadphotos" eventname="click" />             </triggers>         </asp:updatepanel>         <asp:updateprogress id="updateprogress1" runat="server" associatedupdatepanelid="updatepanel1">             <progresstemplate>                 <div id="progressbackgroundfilter">                 </div>                 <div id="processmessage">                     preparing download...<br />                     <br />                     <img alt="loading" src="img/ajax-loader.gif" />                    </div>              </progresstemplate>         </asp:updateprogress>         </div>     </form> </body> </html> 

...and below code aspx.vb page

imports imports system.text imports  partial class download     inherits      protected sub button1_click(byval sender object, byval e system.eventargs) handles          dim photofilelist new list(of string)         dim uploaddirectory string = server.mappath("") & "\uploads\"         dim albumname string = "cricket"          photofilelist.add(uploaddirectory & "cimg1455.jpg")         photofilelist.add(uploaddirectory & "cimg1453.jpg")         photofilelist.add(uploaddirectory & "cimg1451.jpg")         photofilelist.add(uploaddirectory & "cimg1450.jpg")          createzip(photofilelist, albumname)      end sub      private sub createzip(byval listoffilename list(of string), byval albumname string)          ' tell browser we're sending zip file!         dim downloadfilename string = string.format(albumname & "-{0}.zip","yyyy-mm-dd-hh_mm_ss"))         response.contenttype = "application/zip"         response.addheader("content-disposition", "filename=" & downloadfilename)          ' zip contents of selected files         using zip new zipfile()             'add password protection, if specified             if chb_pass.checked = true                 zip.password = txt_password.text                  'this encryption weak! please see more details                 zip.encryption = encryptionalgorithm.pkzipweak             end if              ' construct contents of readme.txt file included in zip             dim readmemessage string = string.format("this zip file {0} contains following photos within " & albumname & " album:{1}{1}", downloadfilename, environment.newline)              ' add checked files zip             each li string in listoffilename.toarray()                 ' record file included in readmemessage                 readmemessage &= string.concat(vbtab, "* ", li.tostring, environment.newline)                  ' add file zip (use value of "" second parameter put files in "root" folder)                 zip.addfile(li.tostring, "your files")              next              ' add readme.txt file zip             zip.addentry("readme.txt", readmemessage, encoding.ascii)              ' send contents of zip output stream            end using     end sub      protected sub chb_pass_checkedchanged(byval sender object, byval e system.eventargs) handles chb_pass.checkedchanged         if chb_pass.checked = true             txt_password.visible = true         elseif chb_pass.checked = false             txt_password.visible = false         end if     end sub end class 

any ideas how can solve problem? appreciated.


i had similar problem in past trying stream excel document button inside update panel. here solution, hope helps.

protected sub page_load(byval sender object, byval e system.eventargs) handles me.load      dim sm = scriptmanager.getcurrent(     sm.registerpostbackcontrol(me.your_button)      addpostbacktrigger(me.your_button.uniqueid.tostring())  end sub   public sub addpostbacktrigger(byval controlid string)     dim existingtrigger = findpostbacktrigger(controlid)     if existingtrigger nothing         dim trigger new postbacktrigger()         trigger.controlid = controlid         me.your_update_panel_goes_here.triggers.add(trigger)     end if end sub public sub removepostbacktrigger(byval controlid string)     dim existingtrigger = findpostbacktrigger(controlid)     if existingtrigger isnot nothing         me.your_update_panel_goes_here.triggers.remove(existingtrigger)     end if end sub private function findpostbacktrigger(byval controlid string) postbacktrigger     each trigger in me.your_update_panel_goes_here.triggers         if trigger.gettype().name = "postbacktrigger"             dim pt = ctype(trigger, postbacktrigger)             if pt.controlid = controlid                 return pt             end if         end if     next     return nothing end function 


protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e) {     scriptmanager sm = scriptmanager.getcurrent(page);     if (sm != null) sm.registerpostbackcontrol(your_control);     addpostbacktrigger(your_control.uniqueid); }  private void addpostbacktrigger(string controlid) {     postbacktrigger existingtrigger = findpostbacktrigger(controlid);      if (existingtrigger != null)     {         var trigger = new postbacktrigger {controlid = controlid};         your_update_panel.triggers.add(trigger);     } }  private postbacktrigger findpostbacktrigger(string controlid) {     return         your_update_panel             .triggers.oftype<postbacktrigger>()             .firstordefault(pt => pt.controlid == controlid); } 


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