javascript - How to open documents that contain certain characters through WebDav? -

i use activexobjects edit documents through webdav using online service according to:

function openwithwebdavcallback(data, xmlobj) {     var document = new activexobject("sharepoint.opendocuments.2");     var documentpath = xmlobj.getelementsbytagname('davurl')[0].firstchild.nodevalue;     document.editdocument(documentpath); } 

however documentpath contain number sign (#) results in editdocument crashing , not allowing access document. i've tried replacing number sign "& # 3 5 ;" without success.

how can allow special characters #, ?, = etc. used in document names , still allow user access them through webdav?

a # means "start fragment identifier" in url.

you need encode urls, not html.

in javascript: encodeuricomponent


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