html - Save multiple selection of dropdown list to variables using Javascript -
i have there dropdown lists values, , 1 textarea write valuse in. when press button writes values of 3 selected dropdown lists, every time when press button (it 3 times). pice of code writes values of dropodown lists, this: button pressed first time: "conntent of dropdown lists" undefinedundefined button pressed second time: undefined"conntent of dropdown lists"undefined button pressed third time: undefinedundefined"conntent of dropdown lists"
but want values of dropdown list not "undefined"
what can think of?
var = 0; function inc(){ i++; if (i == 1){ var ukupnaporudzbina1 = vrstename + ' -> ' + podvrstename + ' -> ' + velicinename + i; }else if (i == 2){ var ukupnaporudzbina2 = vrstename + ' -> ' + podvrstename + ' -> ' + velicinename + i; }else if (i == 3){ var ukupnaporudzbina3 = vrstename + ' -> ' + podvrstename + ' -> ' + velicinename + i; } var porudzba = ukupnaporudzbina1 + ukupnaporudzbina2 + ukupnaporudzbina3; document.frmmain.porudzbaholder.value = porudzba ; }
vrstename is:
vrstename = document.frmmain.vrste.options[document.frmmain.vrste.selectedindex].text
podvrstename , velicinaname same sort
and html part is:
<textarea name="porudzbaholder" rows="4"> </textarea> <input type="button" value="dodaj porudzbinu" onclick="inc();"/>
thx in advance...
this because declaring 1 of 3 variables each time, referencing 3 later. try declaring variables first , initializing them ""
var ukupnaporudzbina1 = ""; var ukupnaporudzbina2 = ""; var ukupnaporudzbina3 = "";
then run rest of code written, leaving var
out before each assignment ukupnaporudzbina
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