c# - get xml node by order -

i have xml file like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <config>   <metadataformconfig fieldinternalname="test">          <tabs>              <tab title="a c" order="1">                  <showparentterm>a</showparentterm>                  <showparentterm>b</showparentterm>                  <showparentterm>c1</showparentterm>               </tab>              <tab title="d e" order="2">                  <showparentterm>d</showparentterm>                  <showparentterm>e</showparentterm>       </tab>      </tabs>   </metadataformconfig> </config> 

i want tab element order. if changed tab title="a c" order 2 want node "d e" first "a c"

can 1 me how this?

you can linq xml:

xdocument doc = xdocument.load(@"test.xml"); var tabs = doc.descendants("tab")               .orderby(t => convert.toint32(t.attribute("order").value))               .tolist(); 

this select list of tab elements ordered value of order attribute.


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