vb.net - How to prevent publish resetting cookies using ASP.NET? -

i have web site uses cookies using asp.net, everytime publish new site , upload or of new .dlls invalidates existing cookies.
cookies used track simple logins, want maintain cookies created before publish still usable afterwards - seems affect webkit based browsers , in testing can replicate issue after each partial or full publish.

below code use set cookie:

if httpcontext.current.response.cookies(cookie_name) nothing             dim _cookie new httpcookie(cookie_name, cookievalue)             _cookie.path = cookie_path             _cookie.expires = cookie_expires             httpcontext.current.response.cookies.add(_cookie)         else             httpcontext.current.response.cookies(cookie_name)                 .path = cookie_path                 .value = value                 .expires = cookie_expires             end         end if 

and here code use read cookie:

if httpcontext.current.request.cookies(cookie_name) isnot nothing     return httpcontext.current.request.cookies(cookie_name).value end if 

where cookie_name set "mycookie" , cookie_path set "/" , cookie_expires set "#1/1/2035#"

i can read / write cookies fine, once publish created cookies become unreadable webkit browsers, although can written again, i'm not sure case time - want publish have no effect on cookies @ - possible?

make sure have defined machine key in web.config. otherwise viewstate, session, forms authentication, or other encrypted and/or secured values invalidated when app recycles.

here article on codeplex.

this online tool generates machine key you.

<system.web>  <machinekey values here/> </system.web> 


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