oracle - Hibernate Composite Table and Key Issues -

i trying hibernate work composite table. there users table, roles table, , composite table called userroles connects both. query getting user roles eagerly outputs below. keep getting stackoverflow errors, or null exception. question why columns product 2 userid , roleid outputs in oracle?

 select id0_1_,     this_.datecreated datecrea2_0_1_, email0_1_,     this_.enabled enabled0_1_,     this_.firstname firstname0_1_,     this_.lastname lastname0_1_,     this_.password password0_1_,     this_.salt salt0_1_,     this_.username username0_1_,     userroles2_.userid userid3_,     userroles2_.roleid roleid3_,     userroles2_.roleid roleid3_0_,     userroles2_.userid userid3_0_      cisco.users this_  inner  join     cisco.userroles userroles2_          on      this_.username='mike' 

my classes below.

@entity @table(name = "users", schema = "cisco") @suppresswarnings("serial") public class user implements serializable {      /**      * attribute id.      */     private long id;      /**      * attribute username.      */     private string username;      /**      * attribute password.      */     private string password;      /**      * attribute enabled.      */     private long enabled;      /**      * attribute salt.      */     private string salt;      /**      * attribute first name.      */     private string firstname;      /**      * attribute last name.      */     private string lastname;      /**      * attribute email.      */     private string email;      /**      * attribute email.      */     private date datecreated;      /**      * @return id      */     @basic     @id     @column(name = "id")         public long getid() {         return id;     }      /**      * @param username new value id       */     public void setid(long id) { = id;     }      /**      * @return username      */     @basic     @column(name = "username", length = 50)         public string getusername() {         return username;     }      /**      * @param username new value username       */     public void setusername(string username) {         this.username = username;     }      /**      * @return password      */     @basic     @column(name = "password", length = 50)         public string getpassword() {         return password;     }      /**      * @param password new value password       */     public void setpassword(string password) {         this.password = password;     }      /**      * @return enabled      */     @basic     @column(name = "enabled")         public long getenabled() {         return enabled;     }      /**      * @param enabled new value enabled       */     public void setenabled(long enabled) {         this.enabled = enabled;     }      /**      * @return salt      */     @basic     @column(name = "salt", length = 25)         public string getsalt() {         return salt;     }      /**      * @param salt new value salt       */     public void setsalt(string salt) {         this.salt = salt;     }      /**      * @return first name      */     @basic     @column(name = "firstname", length = 100)         public string getfirstname() {         return firstname;     }      /**      * @param first name new value first name       */     public void setfirstname(string firstname) {         this.firstname = firstname;     }      /**      * @return last name      */     @basic     @column(name = "lastname", length = 100)         public string getlastname() {         return lastname;     }      /**      * @param last name new value last name       */     public void setlastname(string lastname) {         this.lastname = lastname;     }      /**      * @return email      */     @basic     @column(name = "email", length = 50)         public string getemail() {         return email;     }      /**      * @param email new value email      */     public void setemail(string email) { = email;     }      /**      * @return datecreated      */     @basic     @column(name = "datecreated")         public date getdatecreated() {         return datecreated;     }      /**      * @param datecreated new value datecreated      */     public void setdatecreated(date datecreated) {         this.datecreated = datecreated;     }      private list<userrole> userroles;      /**      * list of user roles      */      @onetomany(fetch=fetchtype.eager, mappedby="userrolepk.user")      public list<userrole> getuserroles() {          return this.userroles;      }      /**      * set list of user roles      */      public void setuserroles(list<userrole> userroles) {          this.userroles = userroles;      } }

@entity @table(name = "roles", schema = "cisco") @suppresswarnings("serial") public class role implements serializable {      /**      * attribute id.      */     private long id;      /**      * attribute name.      */     private string name;      /**      * list of userroles      */     private list<userrole> userroles = null;       /**      * @return id      */     @basic     @id     @column(name = "id")         public long getid() {         return id;     }      /**      * @param id new value id       */     public void setid(long id) { = id;     }      /**      * @return name      */     @basic     @column(name = "name", length = 20)         public string getname() {         return name;     }      /**      * @param name new value name       */     public void setname(string name) { = name;     }      /**      * list of userroles      */      @onetomany(fetch=fetchtype.lazy, mappedby="userrolepk.role")      public list<userrole> getuserroles() {         return this.userroles;      }      /**      * set list of userroles      */      public void setuserroles(list<userrole> userroles) {         this.userroles = userroles;      }   }

@entity @table(name = "userroles", schema = "cisco") @suppresswarnings("serial") public class userrole implements serializable {      /**      * primary key      */     private userrolepk userrolepk;       /**      * primary key      */     @basic     @id     public userrolepk getuserrolepk() {         return this.userrolepk;     }      /**      * set primary key      */     public void setuserrolepk(userrolepk userrolepk) {         this.userrolepk = userrolepk;     }      @suppresswarnings("serial")     @embeddable     public static class userrolepk implements serializable {          /**          * attribute users          */          private user user;            /**          * attribute roles          */          private role role;        /**      * users      */             @manytoone(fetch=fetchtype.lazy)             @joincolumn(name = "userid")             public user getuser() {                 return this.user;             }              /**              * set users              */             public void setuser(user user) {                 this.user = user;             }            /**      * roles      */             @manytoone(fetch=fetchtype.lazy)             @joincolumn(name = "roleid")             public role getrole() {                 return this.role;             }              /**              * set roles              */             public void setrole(role roles) {                 this.role = role;             }                 /**          * calculate hashcode          */         @override         public int hashcode()         {             //todo : implement method             return super.hashcode();         }          /**          * equals method          */         @override         public boolean equals(object object)         {             //todo : implement method             return super.equals(object);         }      }  } 

the call gets data is

 public list<t> findbycriteria(criteria criteria, list<criterion> criterions, ilist list) {          if(criterions != null)         {             for(criterion c : criterions)             {                 criteria.add(c);             }         }          criteria.setprojection(projections.rowcount());          list.settotal(((integer)criteria.uniqueresult()).intvalue());          logger.debug("count:" + list.gettotal());          if(list.gettotal() > 0)         {             criteria.setprojection(null);             criteria.setresulttransformer(criteria.root_entity);             criteria.setfirstresult((list.getpage() - 1) * list.getpagesize()).setmaxresults(list.getpagesize());              if(list.getsortby() != null && list.getsortby().length() > 0) {                  order order = null;                  if(list.getorderby().equalsignorecase("asc"))                     order = order.asc(list.getsortby());                 else                     order = order.desc(list.getsortby());                  criteria.addorder(order);             }              return criteria.list();         }          return new arraylist<t>(); 


i'm not sure cause of strange query, wonder why map join table entity instead of using @manytomany?

@entity  @table(name = "users", schema = "cisco")  @suppresswarnings("serial")  public class user implements serializable {     ...     @manytomany     @jointable(name = "userroles",          joincolumns = @joincolumn(name = "userid"),         inversejoincolumns = @joincolumn(name = "roleid")     )     public list<role> getroles() { ... }     public void setroles(list<role> roles) { ... } }   @entity   @table(name = "roles", schema = "cisco") @suppresswarnings("serial") public class role implements serializable {      ...      // i'm not sure if need relationship bidirectional,      // if need here side     @manytomany(mappedby = "roles")     public list<user> getusers() { ... }     public void setusers(list<user> users) { ... } } 

see also:


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