.net - C# NET HTTP.SYS web server -

i need create extremely basic web server allow me go , browse list of files in c:\web or something.

i found http://mikehadlow.blogspot.com/2006/07/playing-with-httpsys.html looks perfect ran couple of questions.

1) when replace ip * or + documentation says, access denied errors in system.dll. when use localhost or local ip works fine. why this? potentially able bind specific ip address on machines have more one.

2) missing something, how specify core directory files serving code?

re 1: because dont have permissions register url. use "http add urlacl2 register permissions user (as admin) make binding. example: http add urlacl url=http://+:8080/ user=domain\username

re 2: dont. pretty code. http.sys not read file system - driver. application must read files , answer request.


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