events - Sencha Touch fireEvent -

i have main panel comprised of sub panels , fire event in main panel , listen on sub panel.

i can fire event within subpanel , works can't seem fire event main panel.

my namespace sub panel "test.testcard" , i've tried fire event on no success.

here example of how this:

ext.setup({     onready: function() {         var mainpanel = new ext.panel({             fullscreen: true,             layout: 'fit',             renderto: ext.getbody(),              listeners: {                 'mycustomevent': function() {                     alert('event fired!');                 }             },              items: [                 {                     items: [                         {                             html: 'my inner panel'                         },                         {                             xtype: 'button',                             text: 'click me!',                             handler: function() {                                 mainpanel.fireevent('mycustomevent', this);                             }                         }                     ]                 }             ]         });     } }); 

you can see creating reference mainpanel , referencing later in code in button handler, call fireevent custom event. in mainpanel, adding listener mycustomevent.

and noted, best post on sencha forums, faster response.


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