c++ - How do I parse a txt file which erases all the lines except what I need? -

i want parse text file want , create txt file in c++. have text file looks this.

user :  group :   comment1 :  comment2 :  *** label ***  id : nick  pass : sky123  number id : 9402  *** end of label ***  ###################################### 

and goes on. want create new txt file leaves lines contains colon(:) , erase rest such "* label *", , save result in new txt file. answer txt file be

user :  group :  comment1 :  comment2 :  id : nick  pass : sky123  number id : 9402 

how do in simple way? thank much.

i have not tested this, idea.

void foo(ifstream& ifs, ofstream& ofs) {     while ( !ifs.eof() )     {         string line;         getline(ifs, line);         if (line.find(":") != string::npos)             ofs << line;     } } 


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