Changing gradient background colors on Android at runtime -

i'm experimenting drawable backgrounds , have had no problems far.

i'm trying change gradient background color @ runtime.

unfortunately, there's no api change @ runtime, seems. not trying mutate() drawable, explained here: drawable mutations

the sample xml looks this. works, expected.

<shape xmlns:android=""     android:shape="rectangle">     <gradient         android:startcolor="#330000ff"         android:endcolor="#110000ff"         android:angle="90"/> </shape> 

sadly, want list various colors, , they'd have programatically altered @ runtime.

is there way create gradient background @ runtime? perhaps not using xml altogether?

yes! found way!

had forget xml, here's how did it:

on getview() overloaded function (listadapter) had to:

    int h = v.getheight();     shapedrawable mdrawable = new shapedrawable(new rectshape());     mdrawable.getpaint().setshader(new lineargradient(0, 0, 0, h, color.parsecolor("#330000ff"), color.parsecolor("#110000ff"), shader.tilemode.repeat));     v.setbackgrounddrawable(mdrawable); 

and gave me same result xml background above. can programmatically set background color.


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