Android App no longer visible by Android 1.5 on devices -

my last update on android market caused application no longer available android 1.5 devices.

i have changed following:

<supports-screens android:anydensity="true" /> <uses-sdk android:minsdkversion="3" /> 

to this:

<uses-sdk android:minsdkversion="3" android:targetsdkversion="9"/>  <!-- support screen types , allow resizing of layout --> <supports-screens          android:anydensity="true"          android:smallscreens="true"         android:normalscreens="true"         android:largescreens="false"         android:xlargescreens="false"/>  

i'm not sure went wrong... tips apreciated!

thanks help!


i assume due attribute "android:targetsdkversion" first introduced in api level 4 , therefore unavailable api level 3 devices


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