php - How to create a "dynamic" forms - and store data and form design in two fields -

i making system @ company has lot of field workers need fill out lot of certificates @ every job do. via tablet pc running mysql/php/apache system syncs main server.

these certificates change lot - newer revisions time. , if make in traditional database/php/html setup - changing designs , databases forever, not talk handling revisions of certificate designs , data. (adding, removing fields)

i looking way can design form , store design , data in 1 row (in 2 fields) - in mysql database. when reading specific row - have correct design matched data can merge together. can done via xforms - browser needs plugin this. xforms tedious.

it easy text fields only, need checkboxes, lists , on....

any brainstorming appreciated.

what using nosql mongodb storing certifacates? work you?


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