- Using a constant string in URL using url Rewriting or Routes -

i have website should have variable string in url.

the content of website changes depending on year. idea have year in url in clean way.


i have done in mvc routing, have no idea how in need 1 route guess. url's before (index.aspx, ...)

basically in stead of having ?year=2011 behind every url in website i'd have value in route.

how , should use that? rewriting or routes?

have here

download assembly, add reference in project.

in web.config file in configsections element add this

<section name="rewriter" requirepermission="false" type="intelligencia.urlrewriter.configuration.rewriterconfigurationsectionhandler, intelligencia.urlrewriter"/> 

create 1 more section

<rewriter>     <rewrite url="http://localhost/(.*).aspx" to="http://localhost/index.aspx?year=$1"/> </rewriter> 

try content need http://localhost/2011.aspx

i hope helps


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