Solr 1.4 - Spatial search, missing last query object -

recently i've upgraded solr 1.3 1.4 , i'm happy this. faced strange problem , see if have same problem or i'm missing something.

i've run query , put in place latitude , longitude, retrieve spatial search (which works). if run query via id, retrieve place schema info, latitude , longitude correct. when run spatial query (with latitude , longitude of place), in xml result don't see place.

xml's place:

<add> <doc>     <field name="id">plc||77173</field>     <field name="document_type">place</field>     <field name="document_type_content"><![cdata[poi]]></field>     <field name="latitude">45.07475</field>     <field name="longitude">7.680215</field> </doc> </add> 

ok, if i'm going query solr "id:plc||77173" (primary key), here xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  <response>   <lst name="responseheader">   <int name="status">0</int>   <int name="qtime">139</int>   <lst name="params">    <str name="indent">on</str>    <str name="start">0</str>    <str name="q">id:plc||77173 </str>    <str name="rows">10</str>    <str name="version">2.2</str>   </lst>  </lst>  <result name="response" numfound="1" start="0">   <doc>    <str name="document_type">place</str>    <str name="document_type_content">poi</str>    <str name="id">plc||77173</str>    <double name="latitude">45.07475</double>    <double name="longitude">7.680215</double>   </doc>  </result>  </response>  

now, i'm going type following query


and in json/xml (just erase json query) there's no trace of place (plc||77173). prefere don't paste xml response, big.


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