jquery - Cascading dropdown using asp.net mvc -

i have dropdown tradertype on selection should populate dropdown traders. view looks :

`<ul>                 <li>                     <label>                         <span class="mandatory">*</span>trader type:</label>                     <%=html.dropdownlist("tradertype", (selectlist)viewdata["tradertype"])%>                     <%--<select id="ddltradertype" name="tradertype">                         <%foreach (selectlistitem item in (selectlist)viewdata["tradertype"])                           { %>                         <option value="<%=item.value %>">                             <%=item.text %></option>                         <%} %>                     </select>--%>                     <span class="tagline">select trader type here<strong></strong></span></li>                 <li>                     <label>                         <span class="mandatory">*</span>trader:</label>                     <select name="trader" id="trader">                     </select>                     <span class="tagline">select trader here<strong></strong></span></li> </ul>` 

i tried using jquery, couldn't change event of 'tradertype' dropdown. script is:

$("tradertype").change(function() {         alert("change");         $.ajax({ url: $("#listtraders").attr("action"),             type: 'get',             contenttype: "application/json; charset=utf-8",             cache: false,             data: { part: $("#tradertype").val() },             datatype: 'json',             async: false,             success: function(data) {             if ((data.lsttraders.length) > 0) {                     (var count = 0; count < data.lsttraders.length; count++) {                         $("#trader").append("<option value='" + data.lsttraders[count].id.tostring() + "'>" +                             data.lsttraders[count].tradername + "</option>");                     }                 }             }         });     }); 

the code in controller is:

public jsonresult listtraders(string trdrtypeid)     {          ilist<hstrader> lsttraders = new list<hstrader>();         build objbld = new build();         document objdoc = new document();          string message = string.empty;         bool result = true;         try         {             int trdrtype = convert.toint32(trdrtypeid);             lsttraders = objbld.gettradersbytrdrtypeid(trdrtype);         }         catch (exception ex)         {             message = ex.message;             result = false;         }         return json(new { success = result, message = message, lsttraders = lsttraders });} 

please me on this.

$("#tradertype").change(function() {  }); 

you're missing # action in controller try , change verb in post

  $.ajax({ url: $("#listtraders").attr("action"),         type: 'post', 

change controller this:

[httppost] public jsonresult listtraders(string trdrtypeid) 

... , when return json should change this:

return json(new { success = result, message = message, lsttraders = lsttraders }, jsonrequestbehavior.denyget); 

another thing, parameters must match

data: { trdrtypeid: $("#tradertype").val() },  public jsonresult listtraders(string trdrtypeid) 


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