c# - Using TransactionScope in Service Layer for UnitOfWork operations -

is approach right bundle 3 dataprovider.getxxx methods in transactionscope in service layer unitofwork?

would different?

from transactionscpe ts know concrete connectionstring?

should transaction object connection , pass transaction objekt constructor of transactionscope ?

service layer administrationservice.cs

private list<schoolclass> getadministrationdata() {     list<schoolclass> schoolclasses = null    using (transactionscope ts = new transactionscope())                     {                         schoolclasses = _admindataprovider.getschoolclasses();                         foreach (var s in schoolclasses)                         {                            list<pupil> pupils = _admindataprovider.getpupils(s.id);                            s.pupils = pupils;                             foreach (var p in pupils)                            {                                list<document> documents = _documentdataprovider.getdocuments(p.id);                                p.documents = documents;                            }                         }                           ts.complete();                     }      return schoolclasses; } 

sample how of 3 methods in dataprovider like:

public list<schoolclass> getschoolclasslist()         {             // used formerly without transactionscope => using (var trans = dataaccess.connectionmanager.begintransaction())             using (var com = new sqlitecommand(dataaccess.connectionmanager))             {                 com.commandtext = "select * schoolclass";                  var schoolclasses = new list<schoolclass>();                  using (var reader = com.executereader())                 {                     schoolclass schoolclass = null;                     while (reader.read())                     {                         schoolclass = new schoolclass();                         schoolclass.schoolclassid = convert.toint32(reader["schoolclassid"]);                         schoolclass.schoolclasscode = reader["schoolclasscode"].tostring();                         schoolclasses.add(schoolclass);                     }                 }                 // used formerly without transactionscope => trans.commit();                 return schoolclasses;             }         } 

this looks fine - that's transactionscope there for, provide transaction control in code (and common pattern uow).

from transactionscpe ts know concrete connectionstring?

it doesn't. depends on data access layer , doesn't mean transactionscope. transactionscope create transaction (which default light-weight one) - if data access spans several databases, transaction automatically escalated distributed transaction. uses msdtc under hood.

should transaction object connection , pass transaction objekt constructor of transactionscope ?

no, no, no. see above. doing now. there no harm in nesting transactionscopes.


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