T4 for Sharp Architecture/Northwind Problem -

i have downloaded sharparchitecture/northwind , i'm trying crud scaffolding work. have changed nothing except adding missing reference class library. try run scaffoldinggeneratorcommand.tt , hit following 3 errors.

error 1 compiling transformation: invalid token 'this' in class, struct, or interface member declaration file:basetemplate.tt

error 2 compiling transformation: class, struct, or interface method must have return type file:basetemplate.tt

error 3 compiling transformation: type expected file:basetemplate.tt

compiler says occur in first line of basetemplate.tt don't think true reason.

has had problem? have idea can fix it?

thanks lot time, pk

i have received using other t4 templates. problem ends being spaces @ end of file (following last '#>' ).

open .tt file in vs, ctrl+end, make sure spaces removed following last #>

 string somemethod()  {      //some code     return "somevalue";  }  #> 

props go post cheverton: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en-sg/vsx/thread/cd1217c1-39b0-4799-86a2-2449e21a8544


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