jquery - Unload plupload from a div -

i'm using plupload with

$("#plupload_div").pluploadqueue({         // general settings         runtimes : 'flash,html5',         url : '/products/save_photo',         max_file_size : '10mb',         //chunk_size : '1mb',         unique_names : true,            resize : {width : 558, height : 418, quality : 90},              multipart: true,                 multipart_params : {"photo[variant_id]" : variant_id, authenticity_token : atoken},                 filters : [ {title : "image files", extensions : "jpg,gif,png"}],                 flash_swf_url : '/javascripts/plupload.flash.swf',               }); 

what have unload plupload element #plupload_div?


does help?

calling unbind() without args removes handlers attached elements


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