jaxb2 - Debugging JAXB issues -

i running issue jaxb 2 when marshaling objects. have xmljavatypeadapter working fine in unit tests, when try marshal same object graph web service (using jax-ws), xmljavatypeadapter being ignored completely. what's easiest way debug problem?

i have simple standalone project checked svn repository demonstrates issue. can please take see if doing wrong? url project is: http://archfirst.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/java/examples/jaxb-jaxws-sample. there readme.txt file in root folder describes issue in detail.


ok, found problem. unit test picking jaxb implementation in java runtime, whereas web service picking jaxb implementation glassfish. apparently implementation bundled glassfish ( cannot handle use case. proved forcing unit test use jaxb-impl- seems bug has been fixed in latest jaxb implementation (2.2.3-1), struggling figure out how replace glassfish's implementation new version (see post here).


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