flex4 - Workaround for AdvancedDataGrid flicker in Flex Hero -

since updated latest build of flex hero ( advanceddatagrids flicker in design view flash builder burrito preview. has run , if there work-around besides dropping version?

update 02 19:29 did not occur in previous hero builds, e.g 18623. using default spark theme, nothing else particularly special.

update 01 19:15

i tracked down problem instance of custom (default custom, i.e result of doing new->component based on advanceddatagrid) on same form.

the component declaration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:advanceddatagrid     xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"      xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"      xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx">     <fx:declarations>         <!-- place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->     </fx:declarations> </mx:advanceddatagrid> 

the custom component instantiation. note "fo" namespace representing path package custom component resides.

<fo:adgtest width="300" height="200">     <fo:columns>         <mx:advanceddatagridcolumn headertext="blah1" />         <mx:advanceddatagridcolumn headertext="blah2" />     </fo:columns> </fo:adgtest> 

it turns out custom version of advanceddatagrid causes design view break down. odd.

update 03 2011-02-11 13:36 custom advanceddatagrid not cause design-view breakdown unless add columns it.

update 04 2011-02-11 15:13 filed bug: https://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/sdk-29507

i think, not problem of sdk. problem of designer (flex burrito). have same envoirment, , version of burrito 287807. advanceddatagrit not flicker!

do have styles applied or else? after following steps described in question, have flickering custom advanceddatagrid on stage. when click component (tab) , go implemented adg, flickering stops. when close component flicker adg in , open again, adg flicker again.

with preversion of sdk adg doesn't flicker. notice also, graphic different. in preversion, can see foldericons wirh teh expanded or closed arrows. after switching 19786 foldericons disapear , flickering starts.

there wrong , start thread in adobe bug base.

in opinion, did nothing wrong. there no better way , equal if drag custom adg or code in codeview. result flicker adg in designview.

sorry misunderstands , bad english br frank


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