iphone - Network activity indicator problem -

i have application has toolbar uisegmentedcontrol nested inside of subview. when switch segment done follows:

/*  * set/reset dei dati.  */ [[uiapplication sharedapplication] setnetworkactivityindicatorvisible:yes]; if ( bannervideo ) {     [filmatibanner release];     filmatibanner = nil;     filmatibanner = [[nsmutablearray alloc] initwithcapacity:0];     [[bannervideo view] sethidden:yes];     [bannervideo release];     bannervideo = nil; } [lowerbanneractivity sethidden:no]; [lowerbanneractivity startanimating]; url = [nsurl urlwithstring:@"http://www.udc.ntx.it/filmatiblocco2.asp"]; request = [asiformdatarequest requestwithurl:url]; [request setpostvalue:[[voci objectatindex:[switches selectedsegmentindex]] objectforkey:@"codblocco"]                 forkey:@"codiceblocco"]; [request startsynchronous]; // bla bla yada yada 

when view loads correctly see uiactivityindicator spinning , networkactivity in status bar above. when tap switch, app "freezes" until done job fastly shows spinner , hides it. how should rid of problem?

you should loading activity in thread - doing in same (main) thread: startsynchronous indicates this. think asi library supports loading in different thread, i'm not familiar library. (you can call

[request setdelegate:self];

[request startasynchronous];

and implement:

-(void)requestfinished:(asihttprequest *)request

and in method remove network activity indicator. )

or can (the hard way - start own thread ;)) :

[nsthread detachnewthreadselector:@selector(loadbanner:) totarget:self withobject:param];

when loadbanner method over, should return main thread banner loaded, this:

(calling loadbanner method)

[self performselectoronmainthread:@selector(bannerisloaded:) withobject:rez waituntildone:no];

and in method bannerisloaded remove network activity indicator , show banner itself.


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